
Why hello there!
Thank you so much for giving this a read! I wanted my first post to be a tiny snippet of who I am and what my hopes are for this particular blog, so I appreciate you dropping by to learn what "Whimsy" is all about!

For starters, my name is Hannah Eagan. I live in Indiana with a current household of seven (that will soon be changing as my sister, brother in law, and two year old nephew will be moving into a new house around Thanksgiving!). My love for Jesus and His work comes first and foremost in my life, and I am always anxious to see where He next leads me. Between writing, working, and studying, I enjoy playing with my nephew, reading, watching favorite shows and movies, and traveling!

I started this blog because I have a passion for writing and sharing my random musings. I am amidst storyboarding for several books I am (attempting!) to write, so in the meantime I thought I would make some new friends! (hint hint: You!)

"Whimsy Words of Wisdom" will be a hodgepodge of my journey with diabetes, inspirational reflections, book and film reviews, random tips and tricks, and other little "words of wisdom" to peek into.  Food is something that I love to explore and have fun with! Eating mediterranean is new territory for me, but I'm excited to try flavorful, clean ways of cooking!

Through my "Whimsy" blog, I hope to get to know you better, and that together we can discover new and exciting tidbits of life! Much love!


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