Tale As Old As Time...


So today I want to talk about my favorite movie: "Beauty and the Beast."

I am an extremely big fan. Extreme. For example: I once sang to my nephew the entire "Belle" song while he was eating. You know, the "Little town… It's a quiet village" one. Yes, it included dancing and voice imitations. 

"There is the great lesson of "Beauty and the Beast" that a thing must be loved before it is lovable." ~G.K Chesterton 

I think there's a reason why we get a little struck when we hear "For who could ever love a beast?" Is it because it is harder to see the beauty within, but so easy to recognize the beast? The beast of anger, of bitterness, of lashing out because we're hurt.  There is a sense of hope for us all, then, when the Beast transforms because of true love. And that is why I deeply adore this movie… The hope and life that real love brings. 

~Happy Anniversary!~

When I heard that 2016 (September 20th, to be exact) was the 25th anniversary of "Beauty and the Beast," I was beyond ecstatic! Needless to say, I have reveled in all it's glory in just about every way possible. 

For starters, in April my parents and I went to Cincinnati to watch the Broadway version, a dream I have had for years! I laughed. I cried. I marveled at the beautiful sights and songs that came to life on stage. It was an experience I'll never forget!

This year, my sister landed the dream job of becoming a Disney travel agent, who offers free quotes and free planning services (check her Facebook page out here!) To help promote her business during a few days of a festival, I dressed up as Belle and had the time of my life! (Told you I reveled in it's glory every way possible!)

This year also brought to us the teaser trailer for next year's live action version of "Beauty and the Beast," starring a host of amazing actors! When I saw the teaser, I flipped! (And by "flipped" I mean I have watched it probably about 20 times by now… tearing up each time, of course.). You bet that I'll be the first one to buy tickets, the first one in the theater, and the last one to leave.

So September 20th was the official 25th anniversary. I promptly went to the store after work, marched straight to the "New Release"section, picked up a copy, grabbed a few things for my "Grey Stuff" recipe (listed below!), and went straight home to watch it with my mom. Of course, I have both a DVD and VHS copy, but this was the 25th addition with extra bonus features and a Blu-Ray copy…I couldn't pass it up. After I made the "Grey Stuff,"I promptly popped in the disc and fell in love all over again with the beautiful story. There is too many reasons why I love this movie… For starters, the music is gorgeous. The artistry is also beautiful and incredibly detailed. But it's the storyline that gets me. I relate to Belle's adoration of books and her longing for "adventure in the great wide somewhere!" Her kind but bold spirit is also something to be admired. She sees each character based on what is within their heart; aka not judging the book by it's cover. This is a wonderful reminder for children and grownups alike to practice.

 All the characters are fantastic, though! From dastardly Gaston to dashing Lumiere, they add just the right amount of thrills and fun to the overall romantic theme. But the Beast has to be my favorite of the entire movie. His character arc is incredible, and goes to show that love can truly change us. If for no other reason, he gave Belle a gigantic library as a gift. You can't get any better than that. 

This masterpiece will always be a beloved favorite of mine. "Beauty and the Beast" is truly a wonderful classic, and will forever be a "Tale as Old as Time."

Try the "Grey Stuff" It's Delicious! 

Grey Stuff: 

-3.4 oz box of instant vanilla pudding
-1 1/2 Cups of milk
-15 crushed (regular) Oreos
-8 oz cool whip
-1 TBSP instant chocolate pudding mix

Whisk box of instant vanilla pudding mix with the 1 1/2 cups of milk.

Set in refrigerator while either crushing 15 Oreos or pulsing in a food processor. 

Set the vanilla pudding mixture back out and mix in crushed Oreos. 

Add in Cool Whip and 1 TBSP of instant chocolate pudding mix. 

Mix thoroughly together, and then chill to thicken. Then, Viola! You have your "Grey Stuff" from the song "Be Our Guest" ("Try the Grey Stuff, it's delicious! Don't believe me, ask the dishes!") I hope you enjoy this delicious treat and be sure to take time to sit back and fall in love all over again with "Beauty and the Beast." 

-The End-


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