Type "One"-derful

November of last year was a big month for me. I didn't even know it was until I scrolled past a Facebook post one day and my memory was jolted. The post simply said that November was "Diabetes Awareness Month," but I can't begin to explain the flood of memories that came rushing at me from that point on.

You see, I am a Type 1 Diabetic. (Sometimes we like to call ourselves Type "One"-derfuls, but we don't think we're special or anything)

When that post popped up on my news feed, I was taken back to the November of 17 years ago... in a hospital room... where I learned about a disease that would change my life (but was too young to fully comprehend that).

I began to recall each and every time someone pointed out to me that "you shouldn't be eating sugar" or "diabetics are suppose to be fat" or "why do you get to eat snacks in school?" The more memories that surfaced, the more I wanted to share my story and what Type 1 Diabetes is really all about.

It took me a day to decide I wanted to make a video. So on Diabetes Awareness Day (November 14th) I made the following video to start my path of raising awareness:

(You can find it on my YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHZiBKKu5Qw )

Since then, my phone has absolutely refused to cooperate with me in posting more videos! My original vision of sharing videos weekly faded, and I became busy with other obligations. That is, until January 25th, just five days ago, when a huge voice in the Diabetic community passed away.

Mary Tyler Moore was also diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and was a fierce advocate for those who  live with the disease. I truly admired her, and am devastated by her loss. She gave proper perspective on what Type 1 really means.

                                            Image result for mary tyler moore type 1 diabetic

My passion of being a voice for diabetics is reignited because of this amazing woman. Awareness still needs to be spread. Stigmas need to be erased. We need to be reminded that being Type "one"-derful comes with a steep price to pay.

In Memory of Mary Tyler Moore
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